Not sure if any of you might be interested in helping out a friend of mine. ; I know a lot of you are pretty clever with photoshop and could probably do something pretty cool. ; If you are interested, post your photo here and I will save it to my computer and print them off and send them to my friend.
Hi ladies...I have a big, big favor to ask of you all!! As some of you know, I work for the BC Cancer Agency, so we see quite a few different people going through. Well..one of our radiation therapists has a family friend's little girl going through radiation therapy right now. She is a sweet little 4 year old girl who is terminal. Well....her one wish is to get a picture of a rainbow from "everyone in the world", so I am imploring you (and possibly your families) to take a few minutes and do up a rainbow picture....it can be any way you would like, the more creative the better.