Raglan Road Shandy Meet, Mousefest 2006


Staff member
Here's our buddy, Nathan Rose from magicalmountain.net, posing with his famous Shandy. A Shandy is 1/2 Harp Beer, 1/2 Spite, and 100% delicious. Bottoms up, dude!

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I was wondering what in the world a Shandy was, after hearing about it incessently on MouseTunes. I just might have to give it a try. :)
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tiffany, you should try it. it's a good time waiting to happen.
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"tiffany" said:
I was wondering what in the world a Shandy was, after hearing about it incessently on MouseTunes. I just might have to give it a try. :)

A Shandy is considered by some to be a "kiddie drink" It is usually half Harp beer and half sprite (sometime ginger ale or lemonade is used instead). If you don't like beer that much it is something you might enjoy ;)
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a few more from RAGLAN ROSE........
ps. someone please tell me how danielle dances with head head and shoulders NOT MOVING??!

pic #2...... nathan passes out on the bench after a little too much partying! actually, he's just kidding, cuz it was off to the adventurer's club! pics coming soon!

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Well I love Harp on its own, so I'm sure when you add a little bit of sugar to the mix it makes it even better! Can't wait to see the rest of the pictures from your 'adventures' that night.
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