We were only at about 81% eclipse where I live, and I haven't had the chance to edit or sort through photos taken just outside my office door...but uploaded this one direct from camera and resized it - this was roughly the peak of the eclipse here, shot with an A6300, FE100-400mm lens at 400mm with 1.4X TC attached, aperture F45, 1/4000 shutter, ISO100, no ND or solar filters - just used the clouds to help be my filter:
I had to download this to Windows 10, and just use the default photo viewer to resize, so it's not the prettiest thing in the world - but I wanted to get up a shot while the actual thing is just winding down!

I had to download this to Windows 10, and just use the default photo viewer to resize, so it's not the prettiest thing in the world - but I wanted to get up a shot while the actual thing is just winding down!