polynesian lobby

Discussion in 'WDW Resorts / Downtown / Rest of WDW' started by gary, May 12, 2009.

  1. gary

    gary Member

    here's one for you jeff, i thought you would like seeing this again

    [attachment deleted by admin]
  2. Bob D.

    Bob D. Member


    Nice pic! ; The water looks cool in this picture. ; Did you use an ND filter? ; I think I remember the lobby being too bright for a longer exposure.

  3. gary

    gary Member

    yes i did, i recently purchased but am still very much in the learning curve a singh-ray vari-n-duo thin mount filter, this is a circular polarizer, with an adjustable 2-8 stop nd filter outside of it, you auto focus, adjust the polarizer and then dial in the nd stops
    like i said i'm still very much in the learning stage, hope to have some sunset work soon and ; good western vistas from wyoming in august
  4. PolynesianMedic

    PolynesianMedic Global Moderator Staff Member

    This is a really cool shot Gary, thanks for posting! ; I love this place, and really wish I could live there! ; Then again, I am sure that we all feel that way.
  5. Coo1eo

    Coo1eo Member

    Very Nice shot Gary. The lobby of Poly is so Awesome.
  6. Craig

    Craig Member Staff Member

    very nice Gary.
    Good idea for a place to use the filter. I like the colors here too
  7. mousefan

    mousefan Member

    Nice shot Gary. ; It sent me digging through some of mine. ; :)

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  8. PolynesianMedic

    PolynesianMedic Global Moderator Staff Member

    Great shot Mousefan! ; I can't wait to get down there this year and get some good lobby photo's as well as some of the resort itself. ; We are going to go and do the luau for our anniversary dinner when we are there in August, and since we got married there I will take some shots that night. ; I just hope it is a nice night, and not stormy.
  9. Craig

    Craig Member Staff Member

    very nice picture mousefan

    Poly, sounds like a great anniversary dinner!
  10. Coo1eo

    Coo1eo Member

    Great shot mousefan.

    Happy Anniversary Poly.
  11. gary

    gary Member

    Re: polynesian lobby the series

    some more eye candy for ya jeff, on the way to animal kingdom via the kona coffee shop, in case anyone is wondering what to get me for christmas/pixelmania
    large, cream, no sugar

    [attachment deleted by admin]
  12. Craig

    Craig Member Staff Member

    Very nice Gary!

    For my birthday, Dina got me a french press coffee maker and a pound of real Kona Coffee!!!!
    I have been enjoying a cup almost every night! :)
  13. PolynesianMedic

    PolynesianMedic Global Moderator Staff Member

    I am sure it isn't the same, but I have been enjoying the Wawa (local convenience store) version of Kona coffee, and it is wonderful. ; I will have to try some when I am there later this year.

    Gary, thanks for the great photo's, I am really enjoying them, and really need to get some of my own.
  14. Coo1eo

    Coo1eo Member

    Very Nice pics Gary.
  15. WDWmemories

    WDWmemories Member

    THIS guys sure is glad it is Tuesday:

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