Police officer survives being hit by car

"Zeagle" said:
please remember to slow down, move over, or stop if you see emergency vehicle lights.

thanks for sharing and for the "should-be-but-isn't-common-sense" reminder of how to ensure the safety of the police and other motorists.
Amen, some people just don't seem to grasp the concept that snow can make it take longer to stop and maybe you shouldn't actually be going the speed limit.
Cause no matter how much you think 4 wheel drive makes a difference it still doesn't matter when we are talking about ICE!! ; I'm glad that the officer was ok. ; Thanks for sharing.

Most people don't know this, but NJ, last summer I believe, made it part of the law that if you are on a multiple lane road, you are now required by law to make sure that there is at least one open lane between you and the emergency vehicle(s). ; This is a step in the direction of safety BUT people also need to be reminded of this from time to time.
Be glad you're not trying to do such a service job in Florida...we have possibly the worst combination of drivers possible down here - young and crazy with loud stereos who think they're playing Grand Turismo live, ancient blue-hair pairs of knuckles driving 3-ton American behemoths without seeing over the dashboard and having the reaction time of a stoned slug, rich soccer moms in 25-foot long mega-SUVs chatting away on phones oblivious to the world, and gobs of lost tourists making left turns from the right lane with no signals because they just saw the restaurant they were trying to find. ; Not one of those groups seems to have a clue what to do when they hear a siren approaching...or they don't hear it at all. ; Mix in periodic random rainshowers just to make it challenging. ; And down here, they give driving tests in parking lots with orange cones, instead of on real roads, and don't require relicensing tests for up to 18 years!!! ; That's right, you get a 6-year license, and are allowed to renew my mail two times.

I'd be happy if they'd make it much stricter, like in Europe. ; For example, in Germany the process to get a driver's license is: "you have to take 14 theory classes and at least 12 driving lessons. Driving schools usually offer them twice a week, so that takes about seven weeks. Depending on how quickly you learn, it can be done in about three months. You start with the classroom sessions, and then move on to the driving portion, taking them in parallel so you learn the rules and also how to apply them. ; How many driving lessons you'll need to take depends on how quickly you learn. With 12 as the minimum, and 50 on the high end, the full licensing course can cost between EUR 1000-2000." ; Now if you go through all that, you know how to properly drive at the end of it all - not just the basics, but how to respond in emergencies, how to control skids, how to drive at high speed, how to perform first aid, how to drive in various weather conditions, etc. ; That's what we need over here!