Pixelmania! - TMIPers

Ride was great as usual; ; Tim felt as though the track layout was a bit different with more of a straight away in some areas, but we were told there were no changes like that. ; The queue area was refurbished very nicely and includes some games; the main loading area is beautifully done.

Here is a shot of the main loading area. ; Where before you could see into the ride through the ceiling, they have closed that off and project high quality space images onto it. ; Very neat.

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I too was pretty impressed with refurb. ; Didn't get to see/play the games since we practically walked on the ride but it looked nice. ; I do miss the glow in the dark stripes on the cars. ; Is Space Mountain loading in the opposite direction now?
Ok, ; I know the unstated motto is sleep when your on the plane, but I couldn't help myself, and I got caught by none other than Tim himself.

Thanks Pal! ;)

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'mention it, dude. ; i am bringing some breathe right strips for you next time...

by the way, coke called. ; they like the product placement but want you to face the label out more next time. ;
The last thing that I remember from that night was wanting to see what the college game scores were, and apparently when they got back I had made it as far as the weather channel. ; Oh well, I'll make sure I'm ready for it next year.
i really wish you would have passed out fallen asleep watching appliance direct commercials!
"Tim" said:
i really wish you would have passed out fallen asleep watching appliance direct commercials!

crap! I didnt see one appliance direct "episode" this time!!!!
"Scottwdw" said:
OMG! ; Okay...here's ArnyVee's Mr. Spock look.


Wait - Mr Spock shoots a Nikon?! Highly illogical.

"Tim" said:
i really wish you would have passed out fallen asleep watching appliance direct commercials!

"Craig" said:
crap! I didnt see one appliance direct "episode" this time!!!!



http://www.youtube.com/results?search_q ... type=&aq=f
no, the animatronics are good, but the eyes are a dead giveaway, only a tmip, going on 3 days of pixelmania sleep deprivation can get that thousand yard stare going