PIXELMANIA! - Holiday Wishes


so put it out there, let's see what you get when tmip grabs, and defends the high ground at the railroad station

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I got a few that I really liked from that perch, so here is one of them.

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ok so I didnt make it to Pixelmania this year but I did get to see Holiday Wishes and whats the point of creating a new thread with the same title, right? Not from the train station, but down on the street. ; The black blob - its a tarp covering something - I think audio equipment from the parade filming...grrr!


Very nice guys! ; I didn't get the show from the station myself...the night I went to MK, I was on such a mission to get night shots all around the park that I cheated and went around during Wishes so all the crowds would be back on Main Street and I'd have the rest of MK to myself!

So my only Wishes shot at all during Pixelmania was this HDR one, peeking over the top of Adventureland's Agrabah Traders:

Nice work everyone'; One of mine from the station.....

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Even though I got "stuck" at the back of the Station (because I went to where we were supposed to be at that time ; ::) ) I did manage to get a couple of shots.
okay, what gives? ; Within my browser the photo has been rotated. ; Is anyone else seeing it this way? ; Any ideas on what I am doing that is making this happen?
Now I know where I really need to be be in order to get best view for pix of Wishes. ; I have tried several times but have always been too late to get setup on the front. ; These pix are really great.
lets try this again. ; I am wondering if it is Mac's "Preview" doing it when I resize the photos to post... Well, what ever I did seemed to fix the problem. ; I guess from now on, I crop/save/resize/save before posting.
Sing along, kids...
"O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree!
With Hidden Mickeys Exploding!"

Nice captures folks!

Justin, how empty was it when you went on your MK expedition? ; And, where are the results?



Leaving for the "World" in 6 days
While you guys were snuggly up on the Main Street USA Train Station, I was doing a hayride at Fort Wilderness and watched Holiday Wishes from a slightly moving (the horses wouldn't be still) platform. ; I did use a tripod. ; :D


I know, I could have shot this anywhere but the ones of the fireworks going down Main Street were totally useless because of the long shutter speeds and pawing equines. The castle was too far away to get it and the fireworks in the same shot.
"BorisMD" said:
Justin, how empty was it when you went on your MK expedition? ; And, where are the results?

Boris, I posted a thread a week or two ago over on the Magic Kingdom board with the night shots from that little mission:

http://www.themagicinpixels.com/forum/h ... ic.php?t=5

It was VERY quiet around all of Adventureland and Frontierland, only starting to run back into some folks again after the fireworks ended and I was moving into Fantasyland. ; During the fireworks, despite the park being quite crowded that evening (Main Street was nearly unpassable), I'd say I could count on one hand the number of people within 50 feet of me!

Tim...WOW! ; nice work on the 'christmas tree' shot, and the second one is a stunner too.