Post your favorite moments/stories from Pixelmania in this thread. ; I had a great time seeing all of you again and meeting some new friends (Michael Summers, Michael Hurley, Dennis Brown, John Wolffe to name a few). ; Thank you all for the laughs, memories, and attention during Pixelmania and for your support and friendship. ; A community is only as good as the people who frequent it and our little gang is one of the closest-knit groups going out there. ; I know there are other photo communities but I honestly think that the character of the people and the quality of the friendships is what makes ours so special so thank you all, God Bless you all, and let's kick this thing into overdrive!
If you weren't able to attend but want to post a story or remembrance that is TMIP related, you are certainly welcome to do so.
If you weren't able to attend but want to post a story or remembrance that is TMIP related, you are certainly welcome to do so.