Pixelmania - Favorite Moments/Stories


Staff member
Post your favorite moments/stories from Pixelmania in this thread. ; I had a great time seeing all of you again and meeting some new friends (Michael Summers, Michael Hurley, Dennis Brown, John Wolffe to name a few). ; Thank you all for the laughs, memories, and attention during Pixelmania and for your support and friendship. ; A community is only as good as the people who frequent it and our little gang is one of the closest-knit groups going out there. ; I know there are other photo communities but I honestly think that the character of the people and the quality of the friendships is what makes ours so special so thank you all, God Bless you all, and let's kick this thing into overdrive!

If you weren't able to attend but want to post a story or remembrance that is TMIP related, you are certainly welcome to do so.
I was just glad that this year I made some ADRs and was able to hang out with the "Pixelmaniacs" over some meals. ; They usually resulted in some very interesting conversations.
I had a great time and really enjoyed meeting everyone. ; My favorite meet of the entire trip was the Jim Korkis tour of Echo Lake. ; His presentation was beyond awesome! ; I'm definitely going to order his book. ;
I think we are all going to be ordering that book or ordering or asking for it for the holidays. ; I had a great time with friends old and new. ; I can't wait to see you all again next year.
I can't remember when I've had a more fun and exhausting 4 days in a row. It was great putting names and faces to screen names, even if I've already forgotten half of them. My only regret was that by evening I was too tired to join in on the late night sessions, so next year I'm going to make a point of getting to those.

Personally, I would like to thank everyone that I met this past weekend for being so friendly and welcoming. I had a great time visiting with Tim, Paul, Jeff, Gary, Jim and several others.

My favorite moment was probably walking up to the "Murder's Row" of tripods before the Illuminations meet at EPCOT. The best way that I could describe it was "subtile at best." I'll post the pics when I get done uploading them tonight.

Thanks again to everyone,
Michael, the pleasure was all mine in meeting you. ; thanks for taking the time to sit and ; chat with us at boardwalk
I only had time for one meet, the Future World after Illuminations one. ; I was a little nervous since I only knew people by their screen names, not having met anyone before. ; It was very nice to be introduced and now have a face to go with the SN's. ; The advice was great and I got a very short version of why I should shoot in RAW (which I did that night) from Gary. ; I was really pleased with my shots from that night (at least on my camera display, still in the process of loading them on my computer. It was great to meet new friends and I cant wait to do it again! ; Here is hoping Howie puts together "Birdmania!"
I'd say Jim Korkis was a solid highlight for us all - great time, great knowledge, and lots of fun. ; Though I must also give props to safari driver Brandon who was hilarious (and impressed by our big lenses), and for the second safari ride when they did the impossible and got the lion animatronics working for all of us.

Great to see many of you again, and meet a few of you the first time...and thanks to RedOctober for the San Angel ADR and Jason for the Jiko ADR - otherwise I might have been stuck with counter service those nights!