Pixelmania 2020 Park Days

Nancy AK

Is there a tentative schedule yet for Pixelmania Park days? I’m keeping an eye on MDE so I make sure I get a pass for those parks/days. Thank you
The planning board hasn't discussed this since late March, but the here's what we were leaning towards back then:

Thursday Epcot
Saturday DHS
Sunday AK

This is, of course, subject to change. Sadly, it's impossible to make concrete plans in the current environment.
The planning board hasn't discussed this since late March, but the here's what we were leaning towards back then:

Thursday Epcot
Saturday DHS
Sunday AK

This is, of course, subject to change. Sadly, it's impossible to make concrete plans in the current environment.

Thank you. My TA told me that people will need to schedule their days in the parks and this will be a similar process like making FP, this is how Disney will limit numbers in the parks each day. Not sure if this will be the case in October
I lost my April convention and my June 12 trip...I'm holding off on any rescheduling until more details emerge on the mask requirements and park reservations and just when those may drop away...I'll go with social distancing and some ride or show closures, but I'll wait until the mask requirement at least outdoors walking around has been dropped...I'm even OK with masks indoors in queues and such, but not outdoors...and the park reservation thing will really crimp my typical park-hop style. I was pretty much going to miss this Pixelmania as I usually cruise that time of year, but cruising is probably going to be out of the picture this year entirely, so now I just need to see when things are going to start to normalize a bit - I would typically go in September, but I'm on wait-and-see now, and Pixelmania's dates aren't completely out of the picture now.