The deadline for Pixelmania 2013 shirts and prints is fast approaching. ; If you have not yet placed your order, please be sure to do so right away. ; Thanks for your support. ;
Just wanted to make sure you got the shirt I sent you (may have mentioned this earlier). ; You can just bring it to PM2K13 if you have enough room in the luggage (and use the shipping towards expenses)... Sent from my iPad
Hey Tim, you can bring it with you for me as well, but if that is a pain to get all that on the plane, no worries!
I'm with everyone else; if it's easier to deliver at Pixelmania, then do so; otherwise, you have my address.
I ordered a long sleeve t shirt last week and wasn't sure if I would get it in time... I am leaving for WDW on 11/28 and shipping to the Virgin Islands can take a while. ; If it has not shipped may I pick it up at the event also? ; It would be motivation to get me from where I am at WDW to where all of you are! ; Thanks.
Re: Pixelmania 2013 Shirts and Prints AVAILABLE! LAST CALL!! LAST CALL!!! ; LAST CALL!!! ; LAST CALL!!!