Olympics off to a sad start..

So sad when I heard it, and then even worse, totally unexpectedly, CNN aired video, which I really didn't want to have seen. ; I did find it very surprising so see steel beams unprotected so close to the track...of course hidsight 20-20, but it looked like an accident waiting to happen. ; Some netting, plywood, padding, anything would help to prevent anyone from flinging up into those beams like that.
Justin...I was completely mortified that they actually showed the crash several times. ; That must have been completely horrid for his family. ; Very poor judgement, in my opinion. ; >:(
Really glad I didn't watch any news yesterday, I have no desire to see the video and the fact that any news org aired it is deplorable.
Code...even more deplorable? ; NBC aired it within the pre-coverage of the actual opening ceremony. ; I imagine they are getting alot of flack about that today.
"hulagirl" said:
Code...even more deplorable? ; NBC aired it within the pre-coverage of the actual opening ceremony. ; I imagine they are getting alot of flack about that today.

Thanks for the heads up.. we're going to watch the opening ceremonies tonight on DVR and I'll be sure to be ready to skip it.
It was on at 7:30 last night. ; Not during the opening ceremony at all. ; My wife and 6 y/o son were watching tv when they showed it, and my wife wasn't real happy with NBC.
They must have caught a lot of flack about the video... NBC promised last night that they are not going to show the crash video again during the Olympics.
I'm not even a very overly conservative person who would complain at any violence or injury shown on television...but for me, that one just wasn't necessary. ; The words tell you what happened, and anyone can imagine it - a still shot of him coming off the luge on the turn and in the air says enough. ; I do suppose they got some flack for that (and I didn't even know NBC aired it too! ; CNN aired it, and shortly after, Fox news was saying that they won't show it...I figured noone else would).

Still, they did (too late for Nodar) take measures much like what I mentioned - they added plywood over the exposed beams, along with cutting the ice in the corners to slow things down a bit and starting the men farther down the course from the women's platform. ; Sad that those plywood panels would have saved a life if they were put up 2 days sooner.