I have learned so much here on TMIP and have made some wonderful friends. ; I look forward to your posts and dive into POTD threads on flowers and black and white and being wide open. ; You've given me wonderful advice and it is much appreciated. ; I've learned more in the last two months, than I have in the last 4, and on flickr. ; For those of you who have walked with me, it has meant more to me than I could ever say. ;
I hope you'll take a look and wander by every once in awhile. ; I will always welcome suggestions and your thoughts. ; Right now, this is just a creative outlet for me...a way to have a voice, in a noisy world. ; I don't really know my way around blogspot yet, so for those of you who do...I never mind a helping hand. ; Grumpwurst...I'm already a follower.
; Sylvia..thank you a thousand times for the suggestion. ; Jason...your encouragement shines brightest of all. ; And to all the rest, thank you for your voices. ; They are heard clearly in my world.
Happy Easter everyone.
I have learned so much here on TMIP and have made some wonderful friends. ; I look forward to your posts and dive into POTD threads on flowers and black and white and being wide open. ; You've given me wonderful advice and it is much appreciated. ; I've learned more in the last two months, than I have in the last 4, and on flickr. ; For those of you who have walked with me, it has meant more to me than I could ever say. ;
I hope you'll take a look and wander by every once in awhile. ; I will always welcome suggestions and your thoughts. ; Right now, this is just a creative outlet for me...a way to have a voice, in a noisy world. ; I don't really know my way around blogspot yet, so for those of you who do...I never mind a helping hand. ; Grumpwurst...I'm already a follower.

Happy Easter everyone.