Okay..it's up. I finally started a blog.:)



I have learned so much here on TMIP and have made some wonderful friends. ; I look forward to your posts and dive into POTD threads on flowers and black and white and being wide open. ; You've given me wonderful advice and it is much appreciated. ; I've learned more in the last two months, than I have in the last 4 years...here, and on flickr. ; For those of you who have walked with me, it has meant more to me than I could ever say. ;

I hope you'll take a look and wander by every once in awhile. ; I will always welcome suggestions and your thoughts. ; Right now, this is just a creative outlet for me...a way to have a voice, in a noisy world. ; I don't really know my way around blogspot yet, so for those of you who do...I never mind a helping hand. ; Grumpwurst...I'm already a follower. :) ; Sylvia..thank you a thousand times for the suggestion. ; Jason...your encouragement shines brightest of all. ; And to all the rest, thank you for your voices. ; They are heard clearly in my world.

Happy Easter everyone.
Very nice post today Roni. ; Excellent job. ; Now if you excuse me, I need to go get my shopping list together. ; I've got some cube steak to buy.
Thanks for following. ; Unfortunately, with my life being turned upside down with lots of hours at work and going from zero kids to two between November and March I don't have time to blog anymore. ; It looks like my blog will many become a repository of picture-rich trip reports
Very nice Roni! Between daddy life, husband life, work life and photographer life...there's not too much time for me to invest in a blog. Facebook is about as close as I get to a blog LOL!
Isn't it nice to start a blog with the encouragement and support from friends and family? Wish I had had that. Have fun and enjoy the journey.
Thank you all very much for the kind words. ;

Scott...sometimes people just don't understand until it's too late. ; Maybe you should give them another chance. ; They might surprise you.
Thank you all so much. ; Your encouragement means the world to me, and I'm glad you are enjoying it. ; I sure am. ; The only thing I am somewhat regretting...is not calling it Life at 10-400mm! ;D ; I'm getting some pretty good shots with the 18-200 the past couple of days.
i'm gonna put in my 0.02 here,(cannot help it, just born that way). you have a theme, it's not a common one, certainly not as common as all those flicker, 365, day in the life, etc. and you are on to something here, whether you know it or not. that one lens, 50mm discipline is a very old, tried and true method from photography classes, the teacher assigns the one focal length, 50 common because back in the day ALL cameras came with a 50mm f1.4 as the kit, for a month, week, day, year, some time frame, the theory behind this is that it forces you to see and compose from one choice only, so you learn to frame and foot zoom. you have definitely been growing the last few months, stick it out till labor day at 50mm, and keep letting us share in just how good you can get. ; remember, "BE ALL YOU CAN BE"