A friend of mine is letting me use his Nikon D700 for the next two weeks. ; He has a motive as I'll be using it to shot his daughter's wedding and reception weekend after next but until then, it's mine to use. First shots using my Nifty-Fifty in the ISO range between 2000 and 5000 has been impressive. ; Using the big, sharp, bright LCD sceen is going to make going back to the D70 a real bummer. He lent me his 24-85 f/2.8-4 zoom lens which will be good for the wedding. ; I'll be going to a horse show with my 70-200VR this weekend with the inside arena I got very disappointing results when using my camera last fall. Oh, did I mention the SB-900? ; Yep, I'll be putting it through its paces, too. ; Should be a fun couple of weeks. ; Look for picture posts soon! BTW, Ray, D'Town video podcasts were a great help in changing some of the settings. ; I think the owner will like most of the ones I changed last night.
I am so jealous. ; I think if someone had pulled that move on me, I would've found myself buying the D700 over the D300. ; I have a feeling a FX camera is in your not-so-distant future
Sorry, Ray, not planning on selling any at this time. ; The Tokina should work on the D700 at 15-16mm which will get me by for a bit. ; I'll find that out soon. ; The 18-200VR will stay on the D70 for daylight travel shooting. ; Besides, you already got one of them. ;
Now, Roger, you know that is NOT a DX lens. ; 8) ; Nope, I bought that with the idea I'd have an FX camera some day. ; No lens will be sacrificed in the purchase of an FX body.
Confirmed...Tokina 11-16 works at 16mm with D700 set to FX mode. ; I was using the Vivid Picture Control with Saturation at +3, Sharpness +5. ; I did NOT apply any color saturation in post. ; As this time I am shooting in JPEG. Nikon D700/Tokina 11-16, 1/125s, f/22, ISO 200, EV -0.7, 16mm focal length Nikon D700/Tokina 11-16, 1/400s, f/10, ISO 200, EV -0.7, 16mm focal length
That color is leaping off of my screen! ; That's impressive. ; I can't wait to see the rest of your results.