Off to a not so great start...

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Staff member
Lets recap what's happened at the airport so far...

1. ; Arrived while it was raining sideways
2. ; Lady almost passes out going thru metal detector
3. ; Power goes out at airport. ;
4. ; Now in indefinite delay until power comes back on. ;
5. ; Tired, hungry, and need coffee!
We just saw an elderly man order someone else who was already sitting down to "move your stuff so I can sit." ; when it was pointed out that other seats were available, he said "look boy, I'm 92 years old. I shouldn't have to move. ; You move."
Tim, I am beginning to think you are snake bit on the Disney trips. It's supposed to rain every day until Sunday...yikes! We are working, but will try to make it down on Saturday.
thanks for the great news, kiki.
the power just came back on and we should be boarding in about 15 mins or so. ;
I don't make the news. You can check it for yourself. Hope things turn around. The weather folks aren't always right...let's hope.
Now you're talking! ; We just landed, about 3 hours behind schedule but we did get here. ;
Okay, Bad Stuff done. You're in Orlando now, so the Good Stuff is beginning.

I think the basic problem was, you weren't taking pictures. Everything looks better through the viewfinder, right?
Good to know you guys finally made it there Tim. Hopefully it will continue to get better from there. We are looking at FROZEN precipitation for Friday night here in Louisiana. HAVE FUN!!!
"Cooleo" said:
We are looking at FROZEN precipitation for Friday night here in Louisiana.

Yeah I know, we're sending it your way!

I wish they would make up their minds about how much and when.
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