Off Kilter Sings Happy Birthday to Karen


Staff member
Nothing better than these guys. ; Nothing.
Made the wife's birthday a little more special. ;
630pm show on 11/7/2010... ; I presume the interference may have been from the lens stabilizer?

That's awesome!

Now about the jello stuff - that's the effect of the CMOS rolling shutter. ; Since it's low light it's using a much slower speed, so things are moving while it takes video - because CMOS actually doesn't expose every site at once (you can't tell with stills), it has to roll over the sensor, which results in these kind of artifacts.
It was great seeing you guys and I wish I could have stayed to see this but I had to come to work today and Evrett had school. ; Oh well there is always the next time. Was she surprised?

Another Incredible poster