Hey all, I just caught the tail end of the news and saw that there was a shootout between a group of police officers and two suspects in New Jersey that left 5 police officers wounded (See http://www.nytimes.com/2009/07/17/nyregion/17jersey.html?_r=1&hp). ; I know there are quite a few law enforcement members on this board especially from the tri-state area, and just wanted to make sure that everyone and their colleagues are doing well. ; My prayers go out to the effected police officers and their families.
looking back on a 22 year career, sometimes you just feel relief and gratitude that it's done with, but there's always that sinking feeling when it's one of the brothers that's down, always hoping for good news
amen to that gary. after 25 yrs am glad I got to retire and enjoy life. prayers for the brothers in blue and there families
I hope that they are all doing well. ; It seems from that article that the suspects were not as fortunate as the Police Officers were.
Best wishes to all for a full recovery. ; From a deep family tree of police and fire in the NY/NJ area, I always feel a special connection not only to all of those in the line of duty, but notably those serving in my family's native state.
thanks for posting this, deniz, and welcome back. ; you've been quiet for awhile, no? hmmmmmmmmmmm...........
I am very happy to hear that everyone on this board is ok. My thoughts and prayers remain with the police officers, especially the two remaining in critical condition. Sorry ya'll I've been MIA for a while. ; I've been busy finishing school and moving back to NY as well as dealing with a few other minor tragedies. Now I am 10 days away from taking the NY bar exam, for which I am horrendously unprepared. Hopefully once that is over life can resume to normal-ish!
Ick! ; The Bar! ; My brother took that many years ago - royal PITA. ; I went through all the trouble of pre-law in college and had applied and accepted into law school, before deciding I wasn't really interested in it. ; So I did the next best thing...loaded up my truck for a cross-country drive to California to goof off and not take myself seriously for 4 years after college! ;
Thanks everyone for the best wishes. It is, indeed, a royal PITA in the delightful form of a gift that keeps on giving. :'( ; But it shall be over....
reports are beginning to surface that detective marc dinardo, a ten year veteran who was wounded in the shootout, has succumbed to his injuries leaving behind his wife and three children. ; thoughts and prayers go out to this brave officer who made the ultimate sacrifice as a part of his duty.
i am getting so tired of reading about the brave brothers and sisters in blue being ambushed and killed by criminal cowards. ; when will it end? like justin said, [SALUTE]