Night Time at World Showcase

For the first time since Mousefest, I took my tripod to EPCOT at night in hopes of getting some good shots of the pavillions at night. Friday night was a perfect night since it was EMH and I could get some shots without crowds.










Nice work- this makes me want to go back to Epcot and hang out late. ; I love the Norway shot- last time I went I started from Canada and was wiped out by the time I got that far.
Nice shots Mainstreet. I like the Italy & Canada shots best. I've only taken night time shot of Mexico, China & Germany. Here is the one I took of Germany. I'll have to get the rest on my next trip.

"Jeff Fillmore" said:
Nice work- this makes me want to go back to Epcot and hang out late. ;

Ditto. ; Last time I spent quality time in Epcot after dark I focused on FW, and avoided the crowds for Illuminations.
Cooleo, I do have shots of the other pavillions too (including Germany) but these are the ones Im most pleased with. IMO, my Germany shot came out kind of dark.

Very nice. ; That's such a great time for pics of the pavilions too. ; Last two trips, I spent at least 1 night each trip just taking shots of the pavilions - but some weren't empty yet so I still had soem people in shots or streaking through as blurs. ; But I got I think all of them at night now. ; In January on my way out of the park after Illuminations one night at 11:30pm or so, I took a shot of an empty Canada. ; This next trip, I'll be staying in Boardwalk, so I will probably pick a night to just walk in near closing time to take some pics when everyone else is leaving.
I find the general streetscape shots at night to be very challenging. ; You did a great job! ; Here is one of mine, although it is more of a close up:

All of these shots are amazing! ; Is Epcot always this dead during EMHs? ; I've hung out at Magic Kingdom during EMHs but never anywhere else. ; MK has been busy during EMHs when I've been there.

"Bob D." said:
All of these shots are amazing! ; ; Is Epcot always this dead during EMHs? ; ; I've hung out at Magic Kingdom during EMHs but never anywhere else. ; ; MK has been busy during EMHs when I've been there.

If you stay late enough, the crowds thin out! ; I had a late dinner in Epcot and by the time we were walking out the place was a ghost town. ; A great time to get some pictures.
Late certainly helps, as noone is in your way so you can set up wherever you want. ; You can linger a good solid hour or mode past the fireworks, and the crowd thins drastically. ; This was at almost 11pm on a 9pm night:


But the other nice thing about night shooting is that you don't really have to worry too much about people walking through, because the longer shutter speeds will mostly ghost them out. ; This one at 8:30pm probably had a dozen people walk through a 10 second exposure, but the only real evidence of people being there is the lady standing still at the doorway, and the kid who had a neon necklace on as he walked through the frame:


Another at 8:30ish...this one had dozens of people milling about, but really only the ones who stayed in one spot for too long got picked up, so it came out OK for me:


In this case, the ghost is obvious, because they had a white shirt on and walked under a streetlamp...but though I'd have preferred they not be there, I still don't mind the shot with the ghost in it either!:


Here's one I couldn't be too angry at...I was taking a long exposure of the archway details in morocco when a man pushing a carriage walked right into my scene in the archway. ; Had he moved through in one motion, all would have been well - but he tried to be the good and helpful person, and froze right where he was (apparently thinking he wasn't in the shot). ; I thanked him and waved him through...but he sat still long enough to leave some plasmic discharge in front of the camel:


Nice shots Justin. I agree that is the Great thing about long exposures. For the most part, they will not affect your shot. Can't wait to get back with the new lens along with the 4 & 6 point star filters I got for it.
Seeing all these night shots is making me want to get back tomorrow! ; And wondering if I will be as successful!
Mainstreet, that Japan one is great as are all the rest. ; I enjoyed going around World Showcase one night with my tripod on my last trip. ; Really was a nice experience. ; There's a thread around here somewhere with those pics.