Newest Member of the Family


Here's a picture of the new kid on the block. This is my great nephew with my sister, his great aunt (psst, don't tell her I called her a great aunt, okay? ;) ) This was taken with my newest toy, a 50mm f1.8 lens at 1/60 & f5.6 using available light. First time processing RAW images. No PP, just jpeg conversion.

Last edited by a moderator: price on a Nikon prime IMO. With the 1.5 multiplier, it's perfect for portraits at 75mm.

Can't wait to use this at WDW over Memorial Day weekend next month. :D
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lens ordered. Am taking pics of grand kids this week so will run it thru it paces
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see it's started already, you get a camera and the kit lens, then you just need one more, oh it's ok, it'll let me take a better picture of the precious grandchildren, then you wake up one fine day with an old gun cabinet full of lenses and accessories, with no idea how this happened
"gary" said:
see it's started already, you get a camera and the kit lens, then you just need one more, oh it's ok, it'll let me take a better picture of the precious grandchildren, then you wake up one fine day with an old gun cabinet full of lenses and accessories, with no idea how this happened

amen, my brother... :)
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famous last words, howie. have you seen my backpack lately? ;)
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yea I have but you are rich LOL actually I can be happy with the 50mm 1.8 the 18-135 kit and the bigma for a long time
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"HW" said:
lens ordered. Am taking pics of grand kids this week so will run it thru it paces

And so it begins. ;D BTW, what's a mr bigma?
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next is mr bigma and if it does the job then thats it for a long time

yeah this is what we all have said, and have we lived by this???, i say no we have not, let the buying begin
I am not a member of the Columbia House lens of the month club. I have become a bang for the buck buyer now in all my toys as my wallet is having a fit