
Hello All,
Long-time lurker, first time poster. I'm Andrew, actually a Disneyland Cast Member and photography junkie. I don't get out to the World as much as I would like, but have spent far too much time photographing Walt's park.

Looking forward to posting and getting involved.

Welcome to the party Andrew. Whoever told you that you have spent "Too Much" time taking photographs, no matter where they are taken, has got it all wrong. On the contrary, you can never take enough. Glad you can share with everyone here.
Welcome aboard Andrew! ; Left coasters are plenty at home here - don't have to visit the World to be a Pixelhead. ; In fact, there are a few here who frequent the left coast fairly regularly, and plenty others like myself who wish I could get out there more (Haven't been for many years now, since I moved from LA).

Look forward to seeing what you add to your gallery - and there are never too many photos! ; :)