New member (Radio Disney Club)


Hello Every One, I'm french, and I manage a disney, disneyland radio. By going to RADIO DISNEY CLUB, you will be able to listen more than 5000 disney parks, films musics ! Also, during spécial events like halloween or christmas, there are parties on evening especialy for these occasions ! RADIO DISNEY CLUB is also a disney news web site and more than 5000 fans on facebook ! So don't wait jon us on fecebook : ; ; or on our website !

I love this forum !


Hello everyone ;my name is kevin and I live in France and i work at Disneyland Paris in Phantom Manor!

After one month of hard work, we are proudly present now, the new version of Radio Disney Club.
The new website proposes you a design more adapted than the former. Above for you, english auditors. One of the most revolutionnary news is that you'll be able to read now, the Disney news and documents in english !
Also, fourth version of RDC allows to vote cons or for any music that is broadcasted.
Finaly, we bought new difusion device which should improve the quality of Disney Play Radio (LiVE).
So, to conclude, we hope the V4 Radio Disney Club will be The version of the dream and imagination ! ;We hope you'll enjoy this change !
Don't forget ! Dream your life in musics !