New Legoland? ... CTION=HOME

Cypress Gardens to be turned into a Legoland

WINTER HAVEN, Fla. (AP) -- The new owner of Cypress Gardens reportedly plans to turn the venerable Florida theme park known for its water ski shows and Southern belles into a new Legoland.

An e-mail leaked out Wednesday from a Polk County tourism official to county commissioners says Merlin Entertainments Group will transform Cypress Gardens into Legoland Florida. The British company was planning a news conference on Thursday with Gov. Charlie Crist.

A spokeswoman from Merlin Entertainments Group last week confirmed the acquisition of Cypress Gardens but offered no details on the company's plans.

The Ledger newspaper in Lakeland has learned that the sale price was $22.3 million.


Information from: The Ledger,
Been expected for a long time...

Now those Ambassador APs look like a decent deal..heheh..

My only caveat is that while Merlin will keep the parks up, they are skimping a bit on new ride technology. ; The latest ride in California is a Buzz Lightyear clone, but at a standard well below.... (less targets, guns aren't as accurate, very flimsy)
There was a lot about this on the local news tonight. ; They said their target audience is 2-12 year olds and their parents. ; Looks like it will be a nice thing- much better than an empty park.
The target audience is 2-12 year olds? Guess I'm going to have to borrow somebody's kids so I don't look like a complete dork going by myself.
