i went to my first airshow yesterday at the orange county airport, montgomery ny, not to be confused with stewart international airport and air national guard base just a few miles away in newburg ny. that was where they based the planes for the show. due to having to wait for the ceiling to lift causing a 2 hour delay, we did not get all the advertised performers, but we did get panchito the b-25, the raptor, the f-18 and the full thunderbirds show. i used my sony A1 and the 100-400 f4-5.6 gm lens exclusively. this show had no static displays due to no longer being at stewart. apparently the port authority of ny which runs stewart and the show company got into a beef over covid restrictions and crowd size last year so they moved the show to this smaller private /corporate airport. they did have the show last year, they made boxes on the grass and 1 car per box you could sit in your car and eat your own food. this year it was back to normal. never having been to an airshow and the photopit sold out, i ponied up for a vip seat. glad i did, the photo pit, while dead show center did not have any shade whatsoever. for $60.00 more i got lunch, unlimited soda/water or beer. and a great big shade tent area, which while it wasn't absolutely needed, had the sun been out it would have been a real need. well first impressions, LOUD, FAST, and boy do my panning skills need work. 8935 photos downloaded to the next di and if i have 5 keepers per thousand i'm going to be happy. at least that's the impression so far after culling out over 1300 just from the 2 prop stunt performers and starting through the b-25 shots. this is hard, physical photography, my arms were tired by 5pm when i got back in my car for the drive home, it's only 154 miles from my driveway to parking, made it up in right around 3 hours, vs almost 5 to get home due to all the new york city and long island bound upstate returnees on a sunday night. i haven't looked at any of the jet photos yet, i may have more keepers there with higher shutter speeds. the thunderbirds show is just magnificent, just the noise, the speed, very visually strong. so John here's one for you, panchito the b-25

what we did not get were the p-51, the class of 45 flight, F-4u and P-51, the geico skywriters, and the black knights parachute team from west point. did get a little demo of their helicopter but ceiling was too low for them to jump

what we did not get were the p-51, the class of 45 flight, F-4u and P-51, the geico skywriters, and the black knights parachute team from west point. did get a little demo of their helicopter but ceiling was too low for them to jump
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