MVMCP Parade Photos


Does anyone have advice for taking shots of the parade during the party? ; I tried some parade night shots this summer with not so great results. ; I may be able to get away for the Pixelmania meet the night of the party (I will be at that party too, but circumstances may not allow it) to try it with some of you but any advice would be great if I cant get away.
I'm sure others will have more substantial advice, but one thing I do whenever I see a shot I like is to look at the EXIF data. ; The shutter speed, aperture and ISO settings are a good starting point. ; Of course, you never know what kind of post-processing was done.
shoot from a tripod is a good starting place, bring up the iso, i also try to set up for a predetermined focus point, then just wait for each float to cross into the focal field, i also sometimes shoot 2-3 burst shots, figuring one should be sharp if i've done everything else right
Thanks Dennis and Gary! ; My camera only goes to 1600 ISO (I guess Hi1 is like 3200). ; Should I plan to use my 50mm 1.4 lens or my 18-55mm 3.5-5.6 lens? ; I should have my tripod so that will help.
i'd go with the 50mm, but don't stop down all the way as the depth of field won't be deep enough to cover the whole float/performers. maybe go around f2.0
"gary" said:
i'd go with the 50mm, but don't stop down all the way as the depth of field won't be deep enough to cover the whole float/performers. maybe go around f2.0

That sounds like a good plan, thanks again for the tips!