This is one of those shots that you don't realize that you like it until you get home. ; I think I had about taken about 12 shots of this pass, but this one stood out. ; Now to get this again next year with a slower shutter speed. Mustang and the Colors by jbwolffiv, on Flickr
John, we both have to study up on this. ; Moose Peterson has a great website on aviation photography at
-I just bookmarked that! ; Great stuff, we have a year. ; Next year the dates are June 7-9. ; On my calendar!
For a master class on aviation photography technique see this thread on FredMiranda. But be prepared to lose many hours and have your breath taken away. Erich
Guys for aviation stuff, you can also turn to our very own Zeagle. ; He has posted some awesome airshow photos.