Mousefest Request


Staff member
Folks when you register for Mousefest via the website, please be sure to remember to pick The Magic in Pixels as one of your community affiliations. If you have already, great and thank you so much. If you have no idea what I am talking about, when you get to the point in the reg. process, you will see what I am talking about. I was given a link by the mousefest organizing committee to be able to see who is coming from The Magic in Pixels and it really brought a smile to my face so please keep up all the good work.

As always, I really appreciate all the support and loyalty you all have shown in the past year and this site wouldn't be the same without your submissions and comments.
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thanks for the heads up Tim. I never even thought of registering. I was just going to show up at your "events". I will register us and put a check next to TMIP.
thanks, craig. i had a big smile when i saw how many TMIP'ers there were already! can't wait to see the final number.
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I haven't registered yet either. But I already knew about the request to state what communities you are representing. I planned on putting TMIP and as my Secondary and Tertiary communities but my own blog as my primary :)
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