Merry Christmas to all of You!


Staff member
Please have a joyous and blessed (and safe) MERRY CHRISTMAS with your friends and family and please don't forget to reflect on the true reason that we have this wonderful time of year. ; To all of your and yours.... ; !

Indeed, Merry Christmas to all at TMIP and their families, happy holidays to any and all whatever your joyous holiday may be this time of year, and to all a wonderful next year!
Merry Christmas to all from Dina and I

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Merry Christmas!

Hope to meet you next year at Pixelmania II ; Steve bought me the Canon G 11 for Christmas!!! ; I have my own camera now!!


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Merry Christmas from my new Netbook!

I just got finished setting up the wireless home networking on my new Xmas present - a new Netbook! ; Typing on it right now - this thing is slick! ; Can't wait to start bringing this to Disney and on cruises rather than lugging the full sized laptop much smaller, lighter, and more packable.

It's an Asus Eee 1005 SeaShell, dark blue in color, and about the size of a thin hardcover fiction novel. ; Fast and slick so far! ; 1GB RAM, 1.6Ghtz, 160GB HD, which should be plenty for basic web surfing, e-mail, and storing photos as backup when travelling.

Santa was very prescient this year in knowing what I wanted (and the family may have helped a bit too!)
Very cool Justin! My family has a netbook that we take with us to Disney (and of course to Ireland in July!) and wejust love it. ; I of course bring my portable hard drive to back up my pictures on. ; This morning my family was impressed as I was telling them all about the tilt-shift technique that ABC used several times during the parade this morning. ; THEN I hauled in a couple of books (Exposure Photo Workshop and Scott Kelby's Digital Photography Book vol. 1), two new 4 GB CF cards and a wireless remote. Its nice to have a family that feeds your addiction!

While putting some stuff away I found a $150 Visa gift card my families at school gave me last year for Teacher Appreciate month. ; While looking up how much was on there, I discovered 3.00 per month has started being deducted -yikes! Well I discovered a barely used Velbon Luxi-L tripod on Ebay. The only bid on it was for 25 bucks so I bid on it...well that started a bidding I bought it for $100! ; Woohoo! Merry Christmas too me!