Merry Christmas from the TMIP Family


Staff member

Hope you all have a wonderous and joyful Christmas and hope Santa is good to all of you. Don't forget the real "reason for the season" and be sure to enjoy the warmth and love your families during this most festive time of year. Looking forward to a posting rampage with all of the new toys you folks get as gifts. Thanks, as always, for your support and membership as the TMIP community continues to grow and grow.

Merry Christmas to all of you!

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we'll find out in a few months...
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Billy's going to be a big brother??? So cool! I think you guys should go the Ashley Simpson route and pick a Disney name. How about Figment or Mater?
thanks, folks. we don't know the gender of the new baby and are not going to find out, but don't even try telling billy that it's not a girl. he goes ape-<bleep> if you try to tell him it *could* be a boy.
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