"People always say everything started with a mouse, well this is sort of true...It really started with a man!"
Welcome to the June 3rd edition of the Magical Definition Disney Podcast, and "Oh Boy!" this week we have a real treat for you! On this week's show we take you inside the world of the Disney Design Group with Senior Artists Alex Maher and Brian Blackmore. Listen as Jackie talks to them about their experiences at the Disney Company and their love of Disney. We then continue on with special presentation by Alex and Brian about the man himself, Walt Disney. This presentation has been done numerous times inside different departments of the Walt Disney Company and we are now proud to present it to you, our listeners.
Don't forget to send your Disney reviews, comments, or just plain zanniness to our podcast crew at to podcast@magicaldefinition.com or by calling the voicemail at (206) 888-MDP2 (6372).
For more information and to listen to the show visit podcast.magicaldefinition.com
Welcome to the June 3rd edition of the Magical Definition Disney Podcast, and "Oh Boy!" this week we have a real treat for you! On this week's show we take you inside the world of the Disney Design Group with Senior Artists Alex Maher and Brian Blackmore. Listen as Jackie talks to them about their experiences at the Disney Company and their love of Disney. We then continue on with special presentation by Alex and Brian about the man himself, Walt Disney. This presentation has been done numerous times inside different departments of the Walt Disney Company and we are now proud to present it to you, our listeners.
Don't forget to send your Disney reviews, comments, or just plain zanniness to our podcast crew at to podcast@magicaldefinition.com or by calling the voicemail at (206) 888-MDP2 (6372).
For more information and to listen to the show visit podcast.magicaldefinition.com