MDP Show #13... 5/27/2007


Staff member
"Yo Ho, Yo Ho A Podcasters Life For Me!" The day has finally come Pirates of The Caribbean: At World's End has arrived in theaters and to celebrate we bring you the second part of the Magical Definition Disney PirateCast for the week of May 27th, 2007.

On this week's show we have some Pirate news, some quick Walt Disney World updates, a continuation of "Pirates of The Caribbean: From The Attraction To The Movies" with Jim Hill, live theater reviews of Pirates of The Caribbean: At World's End from our staff and listeners, and much more Pirate Mania!

Sail with the MDP Pirate Crew by sending us your review of Pirates of The Caribbean: At World's End to or by calling the voicemail at (206) 888-MDP2 (6372).