MDP Live Internet Broadcast, Sat. 6/16/2007...


Staff member
Look for MDP Crew members Nathan and Tim (and maybe Jackie if we can all egg her on ;) ) to pop in here and there on the (along with ModemMike from these forums...) live audio broadcast this Saturday, June 16th at 7pm EST.

We will be answering questions live with no rehearsed script or edit button (which means I better watch it LOL)

Head on over to for more information.

See you Saturday!
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:o Cross your fingers for no storms that day around here... my internet connection has been really unreliable the last couple of days because of storms.
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It looks like it might be a day or two later; we're supposed to get hit tonight/tomorrow.
Re: MDP Live Internet Broadcast - ON AIR NOW!

On the air right now... ... d-chat.asp

Your hosts:
Michael Suhrbier of
Nathan Rose of
Tim Devine of

Call in HotLine: 407-412-9407 or Skype: ETM_Michael
We will need to screen callers so please either PM me (ETM_Michael) in the chat room or contact one of the other hosts to let us know you'll be calling. Do to the nature of a live broadcast we can not risk a unknown caller.

Note, if you are going to use Skype and the chat room on the same computer we ask that you run "Flash Mute" before calling in so that the commercials in the chat room do not get broadcast in the audio stream.
thanks to craig for calling in and everyone who listened to the live broadcast. it was highly experimental last night but we think it went well and are looking forward to the next live broadcast.
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I had a blast and now I've had a chance to find this forum and decided to register. I agree that it was alot more successful than I think Michael gives himself credit for :)
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hi Tim, I enjoyed participating in the first show and look forward to more shows from you guys.
7/11 is the next show, I hope to see you back! BTW Craig, I also enjoyed having you on, you'll be ready for another round I hope?
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I hope to be able to participate as well in the next live show. The more people we have onboard, the more fun it will be.
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I think I've been tapped as a host as well. So I'll be there :)

I agree, the more people the better. It will help us have more topics to talk about
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Thanks again Tim for being on last nights show (7/11)... lots of fun... hopefully someone will volunteer to edit it down so we can rebroadcast it.