Mayan Apocalypse roll-call

Discussion in 'Misc. Posting Board' started by Tim, Dec 21, 2012.

  1. Tim

    Tim Administrator Staff Member

    If you survived the Mayan apocalypse, or you're still at least here so far, report in!
  2. zackiedawg

    zackiedawg Member Staff Member

    1"m st1ll her3 but 1t`s v=gett1ng very h0t. a 81g flamng meteor jst m1ssed meeeeee. ; my kyboard 1s shortng out...camaera st1ll work1ng though. got some grt shots. ; 1"ll checck 1n latr, 1f 1m st1ll here.
  3. mSummers

    mSummers Member

    I'm still here. ; Although with Justin's report, the dark clouds overhead must be smoke from the fires burning down south...
  4. zackiedawg

    zackiedawg Member Staff Member

    yes , we"re closr to the mayans down here 1n flor1da, so we f1re up soonr.

    on the downs1de, 1 th1nk my g1rlfr1end has become a zomb1e already. ; darn.


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  5. gary

    gary Member

    we are on the roof watching the waters rise, but it is ok. we' ve been up here so much this year i built a platform and a cover for our lawn chairs
  6. ELinder

    ELinder Member

    It's so dark, grey and snowing here I can't tell if the sun has gone out already or if it's just typical Cleveland weather.

  7. RedOctober25

    RedOctober25 Member

    I'm stuck at work, so I won't know of the world has ended until after 8pm CST. ; Just let me know if it ends sooner.

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  8. zackiedawg

    zackiedawg Member Staff Member

    Do u have anyth1ng bbeh1nd the countr for treat1ng zomb1es jeff? ; You m1ght need some - lots of them around here now. ; gotta go...roof is on f1re.
  9. jbwolffiv

    jbwolffiv Member

    Well, my school let out, so I am sure many parents are thinking the next week and a half are the end of the world, having to entertain them. ; I hope Florida cleans up soon, we arrive on Sunday!
  10. RedOctober25

    RedOctober25 Member

    Nothing to treat zombies, but got lots of stuff to make you feel like a zombie (with a doc's prescription of course)...

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  11. AlanRappa

    AlanRappa Member

    Honestly, when I woke up this morning to tremendous winds I thought maybe, just maybe this might be it.

    Turned out to be a rather OK day though, so no worries.

    Alan R - present and accounted for!
  12. jbwolffiv

    jbwolffiv Member

    Well it's the 22nd and still here, but an accident on I95 near DC has me wondering, maybe they were off by a day!

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  13. Paul

    Paul Member

    Just monsoon like weather here, but all present and accounted for.
  14. Tim

    Tim Administrator Staff Member

    Pretty much just windy, cold, overcast, and ugly out. ; But we are all still here.
  15. ddindy

    ddindy Member Staff Member

    I'm still here, too, but I haven't seen any Mayans all day. Hmmmm.
  16. Tim

    Tim Administrator Staff Member

    Dennis, it seems that perhaps maybe their math was off a bit. ; To that end, I vote for going back to all of my old teachers and applying the new "Mayan Standard" to all of my old tests. ; Honor roll for sure!
  17. underh2odoc

    underh2odoc Member

    Buried under snow in Syracuse. Even the apocalypse won't come here.
  18. jbwolffiv

    jbwolffiv Member

    So after 20 hours in the car for what should have been a manageable 14, methinks the Mayan messed with the traffic in NC and SC!

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