Who remembers this display of Mickeys? This was up about 6 years ago...each Mickey was decorated to a theme - a television show, a movie, a company, etc.:
That's going back to my P&S days... The Mickey with Dory in the fish bowl was done by Ellen Degeneres. Flag Mickey & Happy Birthday Mickey Singing in the Rain Mickey & Tron Mickey
Cool! I was wondering if anyone else would have any photos of those too! That's P&S days for me too...actually, that's back about 4 P&S cameras.
These were taken in December of 2003. They were soon whisked off to NYC and auctioned off to various charities. Anyone seen these since? There was like a hundred of them. You'd think they would have shown up somewhere. :
Scott...I don't know how long they were on display...I took mine Nov 2003, so we were within about a month of eachother. I hadn't even known they were going to be there, and never heard what happened to them. I decided walking out of the park one afternoon to go ahead and get a snap of them - glad I did since it seems it was a one-time occasion.
They had traveled all over the country starting in DL and ending at WDW. They were taken to NY and auctioned off in January of 2004. After a quick Google....there were 75 statues in honor of Mickey's 75th birthday (though there was actually 78 made). The offical site is no longer available but this one is still running... http://www.bigfloridacountry.com/75mickeys.htm It lists all the Mickeys and who inspired them.