Magical gathering

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hey i was just thinking about something, with over 800 people going to mousefest this year we should of called Disney about a "Magical gathering" wouldn't we of gotten some more Discounts?
i'm all for saving money... :)
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I'm not sure you'll want Disney's discounts. It'll cost you more.

(want 20% off your meal? It'll cost you an 18% tip)
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"rlongenbach" said:
(want 20% off your meal? It'll cost you an 18% tip)

Yeah.. but that's about my standard tipping level anyway. I admit I'm a little puzzled at that addition though. I can only guess that the servers were having real problems with poor tipping.

As a former pizza delivery guy I understand why places implement the mandatory tipping policies. When you've delivered hundreds of dollars worth of pizza (an operation requiring two cars and three people total), and you're handed a five dollar tip (yes, to split between the three people)..
Let's just say having a sense of humor helps. We were handed the tip, and the guy said "here's a little something for you". One of the other guys took it, looked at it, and muttered "yep, it's little" as we walked away. The chuckle I got was worth about as much as the $1.60.
But that's only relevant to the typical "groups of X or more people will have an 18% tip automatically applied to the bill" situation. I'm unsure why they're adding mandatory tipping to the discount card (I assume that's what you're referring to).. Like I said, I can only guess that that means that people were stiffing the servers when they used the discount, for some reason.
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I don't mind tipping; in fact I'll usually tip 20%.

But with the DDP I noticed that the service, well, wasn't anywhere near Disney standards, and it didn't matter to the servers since the tips were already included! I can't describe how different the service was during my last full trip with the family.

But now they (tips) won't be, but the Dining Experience will include them. I'm not sure why they are doing it this way.
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I normally tip starting at 15% and depending on service it will go up or down from there. Lowest i have tipped in 10% and the highest was 50%

however the 18% you can adjust from what i have been reading.