Magic Kingdom Train Daguerrotype


Staff member
Thought it would be fun to go for an old-timey look for the train, sitting at Fantasyland Station:

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Thanks guys. ; I always liked the B&W and sepia type treatments on the train - great subject for it...this daguerrotype action seemed to fit well, and Disney doesn't blow the modern touches too much, as even the uniforms of the CMs and the water tower background can pass for period-ish.
Thanks all. ; The action was a simple one - in PSP Pro X4 (I'm sure Photoshop also has something similar), it's in the 'time machine' effect - you can choose from various cameras of different eras - one click only and you get this result.
i like the look, and i think it's a very limited look, trains, wagons with horses, certain older cars, old barns, i think the subject needs to really look like it could have been there back then at first look
Agreed, Gary - it's the first time I've used it, and though I like it, I don't expect I'll come across very many photo subjects that could work with it. ; The train was just the perfect subject, and the Fantasyland station just about perfect for setting with that water tower in the background.
Great photo. ; The only other thing I would maybe add to the photo, and just my opinion, is some small negative scratches. ; Although it may be too stereotypical of the era's photos. ; But I agree with everyone else that it really works with the train.

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That's not a bad idea, Red. ; I do think that even daguerrotypes in that time might have had some scratches, just from pulling the plates and such. ; It does seem normal to expect a photo from 150+ years ago would have a few wear-and-tear marks!
Thanks Michael...indeed - it might work at the Frontierland station if you can find an angle, but the Fantasyland one seems best.