Re: Looks like it's full of air...but where? Those are medical air tanks. ; That's what the yellow tanks are. ; In case that helps anyone. ; I am at a loss.
Re: Looks like it's full of air...but where? Interesting analysis! ; I didn't even know that fact. ; Then again, not sure if Disney does either. ;
Re: Looks like it's full of air...but where? I'm thinking Test Track and that Disney thinks they are Welding Tanks. ; (Would fit with the Yellow throughout ; the Test Track queue area)
Re: Looks like it's full of air...but where? Good guess Red. I used to work in a shipyard & these yellow tanks were used for Acetylene gas. That along with the green Oxygen ones would produce the flame for the cutting torches.
Re: Looks like it's full of air...but where? Well I think that possible explanation might be getting a little warmer...but the location guess is still cold...all cold guesses so far!
Re: Looks like it's full of air...but where? Nope...not the backlot area. ; But you're beginning to thaw the ice from the other freezing guesses!
Re: Looks like it's full of air...but where? Nope...not at LMA...The level of warmth is about the same - maybe just a tiny little bit less warm than the Backlot guess - but not so much that anyone would notice the temperature difference!
Re: Looks like it's full of air...but where? Not Great Movie Ride...but I'd say that's a tad warmer than the other two guesses.
Re: Looks like it's full of air...but where? No...not quite. ; I'd measure that as roughly equal warmth. ; Keep strolling around the park, and you'll get there eventually!
Re: Looks like it's full of air...but where?'s not on Sunset Blvd...but you're a bit warmer still!