Looking for Canon bag straps


A couple of years ago, I got a good deal on a Canon 100-DG gadget bag; they were being included as part of the 40D kit, but a local photo place was breaking the kits up and selling the components individually at a discount, so they sold a bunch of the bags at $30 each. I love the bag; it's built as tough as a tank. Here it is on B&H's site:

I also love the shoulder strap that came with it. It's made of 2" webbing, with solid metal snap swivels (I think they're stainless) and a beefy, comfortable shoulder pad that really helps to distribute the weight evenly.

I'd like to get one or two more of those straps for other bags that I have, especially my laptop bag, but they don't seem to be sold separately. At least, I can't find them.

So does anyone have an extra one or two you'd be interested in parting with?
will, check out accessories for domke bags at b&h, i have a domke with the postal shoulder pad, very very comfortable for a 1-2 lens and body urban day
remember, go postal early and often
Surprisingly, the Postal shoulder pad looks almost identical to the shoulder pads I make for my camera harnesses. I guess good ideas come to lots of different people at different times.

But I'm sold on the strap that came with my Canon bag. It is, hands-down, the most comfortable bag strap for heavy bags that I've ever encountered.