Lioness licks a ball.


Staff member
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Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. My thoughts exactly.

Smile, say cheese!!!!

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great shots, roger. impressive from that distance. did you happen to notice the other lioness who only had one eye? i will post a pic when i get it retouched.
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Yes, poor thing. She was right behind the one with the ball.

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I love to see the big cats playing with those balls! I got some really cole shots of a tiger cub playing with one at Riverbanks zoo in South Carolina!
I got to touch some of those balls a few days ago.. ;D stories on that to follow whenever I get around to it, but anyway.. I was told that the balls were supposed to be unbreakable, but on the other hand I've also seen pieces of those balls on display with tooth marks visible on them. I don't think they're unbreakable when a brown bear is working on them.

Or else they'd just broken a piece off of an old ball in order to make it smaller so they could show it to the kiddies.. I have to admit I'm not certain about that. And I admit I do see plenty of tooth marks on the balls in the pictures, so clearly bears on the only ones that can bite the balls.
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