Lighthouse Keepers at Little Sable Lighthouse.


_DSC0030 Little Sable lighthouse Sunset 1024.jpg _DSC9913 Little Sable Lighthouse Sunset 1024.jpg _DSC9904 Little Sable Lighthouse Sunset 1024.jpg _DSC9824 Little Sable Lighthouse 1024.jpg _DSC9771 Sunset in Fresnel Lens 1024.jpg My wife, Sally and I were lighthouse keepers at Little Sable Lighthouse at Little Sable Point within Silver Lake State Park in Michigan. I was able to get a few nice sunset shots of the lighthouse.
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@wddoebler Bill, I took the liberty of editing your post to show the full images instead of the thumbnails and I am glad I did. These are really neat. I really like #3 the best with the swirling clouds. If I can make one small post-processing suggestion, I wouldn't push the mid-tones (or fill light) quite so hard, as it can seem a bit unnatural. But other than that, these are really neat. Thanks for sharing!