Leadership at Disney parks continues to lose their minds

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by Joanie Eddis-Koch, Mar 9, 2016.

  1. Food prices across the board just increased and in addition, Lunches at Table Service restaurants are now the same price as dinners.

    Disney is sending out surveys probing for the acceptance of resort fees.

    Staffing levels are extremely low with many part time CM's not having any hours scheduled at all until possibly April or beyond.

    Ticket prices were recently increased with discounts for MULTI day tickets reduced significantly.

    Entertainment continues to be cut as well as park hours, also incredibly enough, cuts are in place during the Easter vacation weeks.

    There is a RUMOR floating around that Disney is considering limiting food/drinks that is brought into the parks.

    Words can not adequately capture just how pissed off I am at the way things are being run and the decisions that are being made.

    ~Your thoughts?

  2. zackiedawg

    zackiedawg Member Staff Member

    You would honestly think that taking steps like this would be absolutely shooting themselves in the foot as far as park attendance - yet, attendance continues to soar to record levels, almost on a month-by-month basis. I'll be completely candid: I would pay higher prices across the board if I could go back to having less crowds in the parks and off-season attendance figures like there used to be in the 80s and 90s...so if all of these sabotages dropped attendance, I would suck it up and accept it. But having all of these price increases, service cut-backs, and staff-cutting measures AND ever-increasing crowds in the parks...none of it makes me very happy. No yin-yang, give-take...if I got some silver lining, it would be OK - but it's more like yin-yin.

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