Late Night Water Show

The EXIF says this was taken at 11:07pm- I love how they put on this show well after Epcot is closed.


Started in Japan after Illuminations and was only prodded along once- In Germany if I remember right- Left about 11:40pm.
Awww they did it just for you! ; I was going to say...I thought your camera hadnt been set for DST yet. As far as we know maybe they just let it go all night!
Jeff, that is absolutely amazing. Definitely the best I've ever seen of the Fountain of Nations. ; I have had an extremely hard time getting any shots of the Fountain of Nations at night without blowing the water. Even doing several exposures, I still get it blown. Is this a single exposure? Excellent dynamic range, if so.

Your shots from the Sigma 12-24 have me convinced that it's a really underrated lens. If I ever went full frame, I think I'd get it over the Nikkor 14-24. Not just because of the price difference, either. That extra 2mm is luring.
yeah, way to go, that's the old tmip spirit, make them push us out the gate, literally and figuratively
Thanks all-

>Tom- Just one exposure. I am very pleased with the Sigma- especially given the cost roughly 1/4 the 14-24. I am learning not to shoot it into bright lights- the biggest negative of the lens I see is it's nature to flare.

>Gary- TMIP spirit indeed- I was hoping the head tmip'r may have joined up since I bumped into him earlier sporting a Canon 50mm f1.0 somethinerother- but we never crossed paths again.

>Janet- W/B was Auto- ISO 800

I also added some more pictures of the fountain in the comments on Flickr- ... 085347568/
"Jeff Fillmore" said:
Thanks all-

>Tom- Just one exposure. I am very pleased with the Sigma- especially given the cost roughly 1/4 the 14-24. I am learning not to shoot it into bright lights- the biggest negative of the lens I see is it's nature to flare.

>Gary- TMIP spirit indeed- I was hoping the head tmip'r may have joined up since I bumped into him earlier sporting a Canon 50mm f1.0 somethinerother- but we never crossed paths again.

>Janet- W/B was Auto- ISO 800

I also added some more pictures of the fountain in the comments on Flickr- ... 085347568/

For some reason, I really prefer wide angle lenses at night, so the flare thing wouldn't be a huge deal. ; Not that I really know what I'm talking about, but I think your recent shots with that Sigma are your best work to date. ; I was really impressed with my wide angle Tomorrowland palm shot, but yours absolutely annihilates mine. ; Great lens work and great creativity, all around.

I can't view the other images. ; I think the URLs might have been broken, but even after 'fixing' them, I got a privacy error.
Hmm- I was trying not to clog up my photostream with all those fountain shots. ; I thought you could post a link in a comment and have it seen while not showing up in the stream- what did I do wrong?
"Jeff Fillmore" said:
Hmm- I was trying not to clog up my photostream with all those fountain shots. ; I thought you could post a link in a comment and have it seen while not showing up in the stream- what did I do wrong?

You have to use the html code from the "all sizes" page. ; If you use Firefox, I can send a link to a nice plugin to 'grab' the links (it REALLY makes things easier for posting versions on forums).
I love the colors and light in the fence, the pavement and the texture of the water.
just beautiful!