"Roger" said:I need to post the "original" DNG ([shadow=red,left]shudder[/shadow], c'mon Apple, release the RAW update! It's easy. Just reprogram the D3 converter to accept the D700 files because they are basically the same!!!!!!)
"PolynesianMedic" said:Roger the shot is definitely better, after you tweaked it, but that sky just looks weird to me, what is causing this?
sometimes you have to make a value judgment about what is more important in your shot. in this instance, a slightly blown sky would not have been the deal-breaker. as you can see in the original photo, roger seemed to expose the sky reasonably but the detail in the shadow area was sacrificed. the opposite would have been true had he metered for the building."PolynesianMedic" said:so aside from what you have done, is there anyway to prevent having to tweak this type of photo?