Koala From the San Diego Zoo


Staff member
I love these little marsupials... so darn cute.

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I like that shot. The Koala has a whatchalookinat kind of look to it
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<sigh> That's like CF #12 or something. I'm on #7 with my card from Fantasmic! I'll get there eventually, maybe before the forum gives me a scolding for replying so late.

Good shot Tim!
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You need to do like me.....batch convert the raw images to JPG, upload them to the web album (in my case Flickr), then slowly enhance the choice ones from their original RAW images.

My flickr account probably houses 80% crap. But, ironically, several pictures that I wouldn't have uploaded if I was being picky were actually marked as favorites by complete strangers who looked at my pictures
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What I'll probably do is save JPG to SD and RAW to the CF in the future. But that wasn't an option then.
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Actually I think the Koala's expression says "so, do you like what you see?". It's like it's posing.
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