Killer Rabbit of Caerbannog


Staff member
It's got a vicious streak a mile long!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay, it's not the vorpal bunny. But it wasn't an "exhibit" at the San Diego Children's Zoo, but my kids loved him/her nonetheless.

<img src="" />
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holy smokes, it's at least 4 inches tall. RUN!
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and you shall throw it on the count of three, and the count shall not be four, nor shall it proceed to three without first passing two, etc, etc
is that a monty python reference? sure sounds like one.
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ha ha, yes its monty python. two references in a week from Roger. I'm going to have to watch it again. its been awhile!
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Yeah, I missed the Quote Along at the Drafthouse last week. But hey, I guess I can try and go next week now that I apparently don't have surgery scheduled for Monday.

Oopps. It's sold out already.
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