Back in 2007 while walking around Town Square, my daughter (and wife) decided to jump rope with some CM's. ; This was my first trip to WDW with a DSLR I bought as an impulse buy at Costco. ; It served me well to get me back into photography as I had not really done anything since I graduated college. ; Here are a few of the shots from that morning. ; I love the look on Amanda's face as she looks at the CM while jumping.

Jump rope anyone? by jbwolffiv, on Flickr

Oops! by jbwolffiv, on Flickr

Put that tongue away! by jbwolffiv, on Flickr

Look at me! by jbwolffiv, on Flickr

Jump rope anyone? by jbwolffiv, on Flickr

Oops! by jbwolffiv, on Flickr

Put that tongue away! by jbwolffiv, on Flickr

Look at me! by jbwolffiv, on Flickr