Jack Sparrow's Pirate Tutorial


Staff member
This was a really great show. The actor portraying Jack Sparrow was spot-on and sounded like him as well. Really a nice little skit to watch as you are passing by.



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In looking through my pictures of this show I think I found at least two different Jack Sparrow actors. But yes, they're excellent.. and I did enjoy that show. I have to say that those guys are awfully brave handing swords to kids and asking them to poke 'em in the gut with them.. seeing how a straight forward thrust from a child would tend to end up right about at adult groin level.. I have to suspect that the actors wear.. shall we say.. protection, seeing how they tended to get at least one groin jab per show, and indeed had a joke worked out specifically for that. And I love the detail on those costumes. Like what may be a leather cover over the "black spot" revealed in Dead Man's Chest, or the compass that doesn't point North.
Just one thing... am I the only one who thinks that your number two shot looks like Tim Curry from "Muppet Treasure Island"?
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Dan, I can see what you mean. Facial expression.
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"Tim" said:
actually, wasn't the black spot on his LEFT hand in the movie?

To tell the truth I wasn't a big fan of Dead Man's Chest (unlike the first one, which I thought was great) and so I have to admit that I don't really know where the black spot was.. it could be that the leather thing is just something to do with swordplay.
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You know Dan, I kind of understand that. Story was only half told.

But I have to admit, when I finally saw it, when they mentioned the black spot, I could only think of Billy Connolly saying that in Muppet Treasure Island.

(my son went through a phase for about three weeks where he wanted to watch that movie every day.)
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I got a couple of shots of Jack, too:


My favorite part was when the show was over, and Jack ran screaming back stage - in a dead-on recreation of the "running from cannibals" scene from Dead Man's Chest.

It also put me in mind of a Dr. Evil line from Austin Powers in Goldmember:
I'd just like to point out that no one else in my gene pool runs like a girl
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I take it that was the Kodak B&W C-41 film.

Nice film. I remember using it. It was out before they released the 35mm version of it. Still couldn't be processed at 1 hour once they saw the Black & White on the label.

Great pics! B&W adds to the "scene" there.
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its b/w APS film. Canon made an SLR camera back in the mid-late nineties that used APS film.
APS film is all but dead and when its blown up to 4x7 its very grainy and the colors are super saturated. but the camera is sooooooo cool. 8)

i wish they made a DSLR out of its body. since its APS it already fits the chip.

i bought the camera used for about 60$. I don't use it enough but last summer when I was in orlando for a month i used it a bunch, then took the film cartridges to walmart and they develop it and burn a cd for about 5$.

the black and white film is like 3 or 4$ for 25 shots.

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well, it clearly seems like there are more than one jack sparrow and more than one mac. anyone have an idea of how many there are? just curious.....
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"vantonni" said:
its b/w APS film. Canon made an SLR camera back in the mid-late nineties that used APS film.
APS film is all but dead and when its blown up to 4x7 its very grainy and the colors are super saturated. but the camera is sooooooo cool. 8)

i wish they made a DSLR out of its body. since its APS it already fits the chip.

The IX's didn't sell too well. I doubt they'll use it in the future. Canon went weird for APS while Nikon stayed simple with the Pronea 6i. If it hadn't been for the non-user friendly controls and motors in the body, I would be using Nikon right now.

Which is probably why Nikon doesn't plan on releasing a full frame body. If I remember correctly, Canon DIDN'T make special lenses for the IX, they made a special focal range EOS lenses for it, while Nikon introduced the first "uses full frame lenses plus smaller ones designed for it" SLR. They had a head start on cropped lenses.

Ahh yes the grain problem. When APS first came out, they got Kodak and Fuji's latest film improvements, so the grain would be the same as the then-current 35mm film (non-professional). Well a year later and 35mm got the same improvements from their stepchild, so the "improvements" were gone. But for people who can't load 35mm film, APS was incredible. But I was sooooo happy when Fuji released the Nexia 100 Fine - the film that would be known as Reala for 35mm. Gorgeous color from negative!

Until digital came out. Now the problem will probably be for people who can't insert a Mini-SD card. :)
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aps does have a cool tech factor. its all but dead as a film format but I got a bunch of rolls from B&H pretty cheap.
i'll have to pick up some nexia 100 if it still exists. i use the b/w and kodak high definition 200.
i like being able to use my canon lenses, getting a cd pretty easily and having simple storage.
i love slide film for being able to look at it, but the aps cartridge is pretty cool to handle and throw in a pocket.


with so much going on with jack sparrow there must be 5 or more pairs of characters. my "jack" was very good. i got a photo somewhere that i really like of "jack" giving "mac" a very special "knowledge" look after an overly enthusiastic six year old stabbed a too fast, too close and a bit too LOW.
its this great look of guys NOT breaking character (great job by the way) but still not being 100% IN character.
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"vantonni" said:
i love slide film for being able to look at it, but the aps cartridge is pretty cool to handle and throw in a pocket.

yes, it's very nice to have all of the "negatives" stored away in a small VHS sized clamshell box that they snap into. Plus scanning them is a whole lot easier.

Which reminds me....my Minolta scanner, which came out at the heyday of APS - it has a scan setting I've never used....

APS Positive scan.

Someone must have thought APS slide film would be released.
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aps slide film was released by fuji in the japanese and european markets. you see it occassionally on ebay. kind of silly i think, since the whole purpose of positive film is to hold it in your hand and admire how cool it is.

our kids and grandkids are going to miss that moment. like taking a polaroid and waiting for it to develop. its now all virtual.
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Here's the Mac & Jack I saw. The show was fun with humor for both young and old. Very enjoyable. BTW, the Jack in the B&W photos here looks like Orlando Bloom! ::)

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