In looking through my pictures of this show I think I found at least two different Jack Sparrow actors. But yes, they're excellent.. and I did enjoy that show. I have to say that those guys are awfully brave handing swords to kids and asking them to poke 'em in the gut with them.. seeing how a straight forward thrust from a child would tend to end up right about at adult groin level.. I have to suspect that the actors wear.. shall we say.. protection, seeing how they tended to get at least one groin jab per show, and indeed had a joke worked out specifically for that. And I love the detail on those costumes. Like what may be a leather cover over the "black spot" revealed in Dead Man's Chest, or the compass that doesn't point North.
Just one thing... am I the only one who thinks that your number two shot looks like Tim Curry from "Muppet Treasure Island"?