It was a quiet town, and OH THE HUMANITY!


Staff member
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That's odd. The church's window is missing. What could have done that?

<img src="" />

RUN FOR YOUR LIVES! THE HUMAN SIZED LIZARDS HAVE ATTACKED! And giant copper manhole-sized metal plates keep falling from the skies!

(hand held and I never noticed the lizard until I was processing. Lizard pic is 100% crop. Sorry about the blur at that level)
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That's hilarious. I love how it's just perching on the guy. And the guy stands there, unaffected. As if he's maintaining a casual chat with the guy next to him.

"You got a lizard on your head again, Bob."

"I know, I can't get rid of the darned things. You get used to them after a while. Say, how's Martha doing?"
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let's not forget to mention the giant dime sized metal plates falling out of the air as well...
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