iPhone question


I have a question for the iPhone users in the group. I'm thinking about getting one, but before I do, I want to know if it will sync the way I want it to.

I keep all of my appointments on Outlook at work, so I want to push those to the phone through the office's microsoft exchange server. I know that you can push email, contacts and calendar through that system, but can you push just the calendar by itself without the other two? Since its not the office's phone, I don't want the work email on it.
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I don't have an iPhone, but I have an iTouch 1.0....does your work exchange have active sync installed? (I have a Moto Q for work)
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"Roger" said:
does your work exchange have active sync installed?

Yes we do. My boss has a blackberry and uses the active sync on that.
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Rumors abound about a new iPhone in June, just to let you know. If you are not in a dire need for a phone, you may want to wait.
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