I'm back

Although I'm not 100% new to the forums, I haven't posted in a long time. I bought a D40 awhile ago and got really frustrated with being able to take good pictures. I posted some questions on the boards but always felt a little dumb as most of the people on here really seem to know their stuff.

Well, I put all that behind me and am really going to put forth an effort on learning to use this thing. I have taken some nice shots with it but I think some of them are truly by accident as I still feel unclear about what I'm doing.

I met Tim a few times (Colin from Hershey) but haven't really met anyone else in the community but look forward to meeting everyone in the future. I am going to miss Pixelmania this year as I was unaware it was going on and made travel arrangements to arrive Dec 8th. Hopefully, it happens again in 2011 so I can attend.

I'm now excited about my Dec trip and am looking forward to trying to take some great photos. I'm reading the book "Understanding Exposure" to help me understand everything a little better.

I'll try to keep up with the posting as I'm anxious to learn.
welcome back, and please, never feel like you shouldn't ask a question, we all were beginners at some time at this, and this is how we learn, by sharing knowledge and experiences, and don't be a stranger, that's how you can find out trips and events so you meet up and shoot with members, more shared learning
"gary" said:
welcome back, and please, never feel like you shouldn't ask a question, we all were beginners at some time at this, and this is how we learn, by sharing knowledge and experiences, and don't be a stranger, that's how you can find out trips and events so you meet up and shoot with members, more shared learning

I meant to say the same thing as well. ; Everyone has to learn somehow.
Welcome back and, please, ask any question as there is NO such thing as a dumb one. ; Not in this forum, anyway.

BTW, you might want to check on a group from flickr which is going to be doing some meets while you are down there. ; Also, Dennis (forum member d_dindy) will be at WDW when you are there. ; Drop him a PM to see what his photo plans are.
Welcome back, Colin. ; I've been playing with cameras for 45 years and I'm still learning, so don't be afraid to ask you may think is a dumb question.

Unfortunately we'll just miss each other, as I'm heading home on Dec. 7. ; You might want to check out the WDWPhotography.com group meets on Dec. 8 and 9.

I am constantly befuddled and frustrated and I've known Tim, Roger, Scott, Craig and others on this site personally for years and have direct ability to ask them questions. ; I still feel that many of my good shots were by accident.

So, don't feel like you are alone. ; Photography is truly one of those skills that gets better with practice.