After watching the show from Japan the previous night I decided to try this location out the next evening as it was EMH. ; Boy did that change the crowd size a ton! ; So after my fail with trying to frame Wishes through the ND filter the week before I was smarter, I framed my shot before putting the filter on! ; Only I still framed WAY too much sky (I really dont know Illuminations that well). ; So these are cropped down a lot just like my Wishes shots. ;

Illuminations I by jbwolffiv, on Flickr

Illuminations II by jbwolffiv, on Flickr

Illuminations III by jbwolffiv, on Flickr

Illuminations I by jbwolffiv, on Flickr

Illuminations II by jbwolffiv, on Flickr

Illuminations III by jbwolffiv, on Flickr