I can't believe I was actually carded buying this today. ; Since I turned 40 this year I am almost DOUBLE the legal drinking age. ; No complaints though- I thought it warranted a picture to commemorate the event.
At some of our stores we're carding everyone, even the 100 year olds. ; Mostly because we're on our last strike after one of our clerks went against their training and sold to a minor. WB Jeff. ; Nice shot. ; (I noticed that tapatalk doesn't like the Flickr link....)
The older you get, the more of an honor being carded becomes. ; Enjoy it! ; Hasn't happened to me in many years. ; Decades even! ; Shoot, I didn't even get carded when I was under 21. ; It used to seem cool when I was under 21...but then it made me start wondering exactly how old I really look. ;
Happy Birthday, Jeff. I had no idea that you were The Most Interesting Man in the World. He doesn't always drink beer, but when he does, he prefers Dos Equis.
Jeff Fillmore doesn't go to the zoo to see the animals; they go there to see him. ; He is the most interesting man in the world....
Stay thirsty, my friend! Yep, these days nobody asks me for ID. ; Must be once you reach the half century mark, why bother? ;
In Indiana, they now have to ID everyone. ; With my gray beard, I'm obviously old enough, but I have to keep my wallet out to prove it.
Don't feel to bad a number of years ago when I was working at Wal-Mart, they had the "Ask for ID/Age" pop up on Prune Juice. ; Personally I would rather get carded for beer.